Monday 1 February 2016

How I Stretch

I usually stretch every day if I can so I don't lose my middle and right splits. I'll be honest, that currently I'm working towards my right splits again because I lost them after not stretching for the two days after getting them.

I've realised that I haven't been warming up before stretching so I'll be adding sit ups and planks to my rhythmic gymnastics stretching and strength daily routine.

Keep in mind I have no idea what the actual names are for most stretches.

What I've been doing currently however starts off with sitting down, bending my right leg into a triangle position and bending forward so my torso is parallel with left leg.

Then I change the position of my torso so I'm on my side. Then I do those two things with my right leg with my left leg bent.

Afterwards I do butterfly and do it as far as I can (which is as far you can in butterfly). Then (I know I really shouldn't because I pull a muscle) I go into middle splits as far as I can and count in a very unique way.

I tend to count a lot faster than a second a number when I'm in "pain" so I now count differently:

2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 ... 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020.

I count that way so I'm only doing each stretch for approximately 20 seconds.

After doing twenty seconds of the middle splits, I do a forward lunge for my right splits. Then I go as far as I can and count from 2001 to 2020.

After doing my splits stretches, I work on back flexibility. I lie down on the ground on my stomach than I push myself off and back as far as possible while keeping my legs and lower torso to the ground.

Then after twenty seconds, I do a bridge as a long as I can before I get tired and exhausted.

After doing my back flexibility, I return back to splits stretches and go as far as I can into each splits.

With my middle splits however, I work on over-splits by placing my left foot on the edge of the couch and go down as far as I'm comfortable with.

And that's how I stretch every day!

I will definitely start warming up before I stretch now though!

- Colour Fluff

1 comment:

  1. Here is a quick but effective warm up,
    Jumping jacks,30 seconds
    High knees,30 seconds
    Butt kicks,30 seconds
    Burpees,30 seconds
    Repeat second time
    30 second plank
    10 kicks on each leg
    NB,try not to stop during the warm up.It has also helped me with endurance training.I also used not to warm up and it affected me greatly. Good luck
    (Sorry for being late but better late than never)
