Tuesday 2 February 2016

RG Moms (RG version of Dance Moms)

Set around episode one of season one of Dance Moms. But the rhythmic gymnastics version.

It was first day back at rhythmic gymnastics and Abby was telling the girls - or most so, yelling at the girls - what they were going to do this season. Whether or not they wanted to do what she wanted for them, they had to or else they'd lose their spots at her prestigious gym unfortunately.

"Alright, this is the first day of practice for the competition season. Ladies, you all know why you're here. You are the cream of the crop in your age group, and I have lots of new ideas in store. I am going to do something no other gym in the country has done before."

"Every single competition, we are doing a new routine." The girls looked behind them to their mothers to see what they thought and Abby immediately scolded them for that. "Don't look at your mothers! I am the coach. I am the teacher."

The girls stared back taking it all in. They were going to have to work hard for the next few years.

"I can make you or I can break you." Abby was meant to help her students achieve their dreams of being the American version of Evgeniya Kanayeva but it also meant enduring her harsh teaching methods.

At least it was sort of worth it.

Abby turned the blackboard to reveal the pyramid for the week. Maddie was on top to no one's surprise.

"Whoever is on the top can't make a mistake. They are holding that group together."

Abby looked up to the photo of Maddie and pointed at it. "At the top right here I have Maddie, because she is dedicated, and because of her stellar record last year."

Abby looked back to the group of girls sitting on the floor in front of her and told Maddie, "Are you ready to be front and centre? Can you handle that pressure?"

Abby moved on from the pyramid to tell the girls where their next competition was. "Our first competition is going to be in Phoenix, Arizona. Ladies, I chose Phoenix, Arizona because I want you to see some of the best rhythmic gymnasts in the country."

They had already gotten into learning their routines and Abby was listing off the first combination of the ball group routine. Mackenzie couldn't be a part of it due to the five-person limit and being too young for the rhythmic gymnastics world youth circuit.

"Throw it twenty feet up, do a front walkover, spin two times, catch it, then roll it from your right hand to your left."

Abby started working with Paige and Nia for some elements in the ball routine.

"Alright, stop!" she yelled to them and they stopped their elements and listened to her criticism. "I've told you three times in five minutes that it's not left splits, it's right splits! Do it right!"

Abby stood against the barre leaning on it, "Suck it up, I don't want to see those tears."

And that's all I'm going to do because it is very hard work!

- Colour Fluff

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